cwiki_catalog MSSSUG|香港科技大學內地學生學者聯誼會本科部


Course Catalog



授課教授:MCKAY, Matthew Robert
ZHANG, Xuning

這門課的Grade:好 因为这是 EE department 的课; grading scheme里homework 增加了10%, final 减少了10%; 这门课在开学前说总评一样的话给的grade会至少和2600一样好,2600是宋胜辉教的

我覺得這門課和2600区别在homework和final上。进度快,期中的时候和2600试卷一样,考前两part,但已讲完Lecture 12

Part III: Multiple Random Variables
Lecture 10: Pairs of Discrete Random Variable
Lecture 11: Pairs of Continuous Random Variable
Lecture 12: Independence, Joint Moments
Lecture 13: Conditional Probability, Conditional Expectation
Lecture 14: Function of 2 Random Variables
Lecture 15: Multiple Random Variable and Expectation
Lecture 16: Jointly Gaussian Random Variables
Lecture 17: Laws of Large Numbers
Lecture 18: Central Limit Theorem and Characteristic Function

Part IV: Stochastic Process
Lecture 20: Definition of a Random Process
Lecture 21: Mean and Autocorrelation of Random Process
Lecture 22: Discrete Time Random Process
Lecture 23: Continuous Time Random Process
Lecture 24: Stationary Random Process, Ergodic Process


判卷速度很快,是comp2711的两倍,11:30AM考完, 接近6:00PM出的分。(不过math3121更快,三小时之内出分)。判错题的情况还是很可能遇上的,所以最好check paper。 homework也可能判错
