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Social Inequality and Social Mobility
課程:SOSC3880 [原課號:SOSC288]
作者:ylibj [12级 GCS]
創建於:2014-06-03 10:35:06
授课教授:WU Xiaogang
我觉得教授 挺好


三字头的SOSC,加上是Global China Studies的elective courses,来上的人整体很少(20多人),其中至少一半是GCS专业。这已能吓走很多人了,但这门课难度一般,变成二字头也不为过。
前半个学期是social mobility的三大理论:Marx, Weber & Durkheim为领导和后续的neo-functionalist, neo-marxian等。后半学期是具体的case (美国class分级,family,gender, education etc.)
I. Concepts and Theories
Introduction andOrganisation Bases of Stratificationin Contemporary SocietiesClassical Theory of Inequality: Karl Marx   Classical Theory ofInequality: Max WeberClassical Theory of Inequality: Emile Durkheim Contemporary Functional Theory: Davis and MooreContemporary Neo-Marxian Theory: Erik O.WrightContemporary Neo-Weberian Theory: FrankParkinThe Ruling Elite: The Upper Class andCorporate ClassThe Middle and WorkingClassPoverty and the Urban UnderclassOccupation, Prestige, Socioeconomic Status, and ClassesSocial Closure and Categorical Inequality Part II.Generating Inequality: Structure and ProcessHuman Capital, Social Capital, and Cultural CapitalSocial Mobility Status AttainmentCognitive Ability, IQ, andStratification: The Bell Curve MythSchooling, Education, andAchievement Marriage, Family, andStratificationGenderStratification and InequalityFirms, Labor Markets, and Social Stratification     
教授能看出学识牛逼,下课也喜欢和你聊天套近乎。但就是有严重拖堂倾向,作为这门课之后是LANG的不能迟到的学生苦不堪言..... 而且教授有时候讲high了,为了更好阐述自己的想法,就开始开普通话。作为大陆生,肯定无所谓啦 - 这课如果是普通话教,个人感觉能比英文现阶段讲的好很多....我是前半个学期和努力,后半个学期因为是分case了,我就找自己感兴趣的认真听,其他的就水漫画过去了

Grading:照搬syllabus ()内是评价....

(1) Attendance and ReadingPreparations
You MUST attend all class meetings. Since there are no formal discussion sections for thiscourse, I will leave about 15-20 minutes for questions and discussion, or forpop-up quizzes. By “pop-up” quiz I mean they will be not announced in advance.If you miss one, you will receive “zero.”
 (可以不去上课的,大不了quiz分值不要就好了 比重也不多,而且会提前发notes在LMES上,你看看内容就大约摸出来哪几节课考quiz了 - 总不可能今天考完下节课还考对吧.....)
Each week you areexpected to complete all assigned readings before the class, and write a weeklycomment on the readings for that week. The comment should be typewritten on apiece of work (double spaced with font size no smaller than 11). You commentsshould be based on required readings and should not be paraphrase or summary ofpoints made in the assigned reading, but the thoughts why you agree or disagreewith particular concepts. You can also use example to illustrate your argument.A good comment usually begins with a brief introduction of the topic followedby a well-developed, thought-our comment and/or criticism. Please keep commentsshort but precise, that is, allowing sufficient space to fully develop yourargument. 
Each comment will be evaluated according to the followingscale:
3     excellent   
2     good
1     weak; little originality
0    not submitted
The first commentshould be turned in during the second week of class, then each subsequent week(except for week xx). Out of the 10 comments, the two lowest scores will bedropped and only 8 of them will be counted in your final grade. Comments,quizzes and attendance account for 15% of your final grade.
(这东西坑爹,TA判卷,不知道TA喜好,前三四个好好写的分值颇低...后来找TA聊,TA说她喜欢书本和现实结合那种 - 书上的理论解释下,找现实的例子补充上就好。如此写来,省事了还分高,我也就这么写下去了(真是无奈呀 = =)。十取八次,所以太忙两周不写也好的,我就两周没交....最后是4个3 4个2 ) 
(2) Midterm Exam
There will be anin-class written midterm exam, covering materials both in the lectures and inthe assigned readings.
(考前发你个sheet 上面有考的范围,你把相应的notes上内容背下来就好了。高中考试方法,没什么需要自己想的 - 最需要自己想的也只不过是把两三页的notes东西融合起来) 
(3)   SmallResearch Project
 At the end of the semester, you are requiredto write and present a group paper. Each group should be consisted of about 5or 6 students. Using the concepts learned from the class and additionalreadings, students can write on one of the following topics:
(i)            Gender Inequality in Hong Kong (or China)
(ii)          Poverty in Hong Kong (or China)
(iii)         Educational Inequality in Hong Kong (or China)
(iv)         Income Inequality in Hong Kong (or China)
(v)          New Immigration and Socioeconomic Inequality inHong Kong
(vi)         Family backgrounds and Socioeconomic success inHong Kong   
(vii)       A field research report pertaining to the aboveissues if you are elected to participate in the survey project.
(分组自己找,我是和GCS两个学姐 一个商院学姐 一个学长 和一个我们这届GCS大腿一组。加上我对这货定义就是一个introductory pre3 所以我个人整体蛮轻松-没做什么事情的,就写了introduction conclusion和ppt以及最后report的格式整理。感谢各位哥哥姐姐做了main part。Pre3控制好时间,不要超时,就是一个introduction的pre3 不用自己去做研究,找别人理论串联起来就好了
(4) Final Exam
It will be similar tothe midterm exam in format, covering materials both in the lectures and in theassigned readings since the midterm.
 (和期中考试一样。这个我要吐槽下,期末没时间复习,我就考前一天把能背的都背了,考试完全note内容加上连接词,一点自己想法都没有,结果期末比期中好.... 所以个人估计考试是按点给分,期中考试因为加了自己的想法就忽略了点成绩还行,期末就完全走first second third 的分点路线 结果更好。)
GRADING POLICY   Attendance, participation, and quiz: 15% Midterm: 30% Final:30%Research interview/small research report: 25%.  
有课本,要买/影印/借 whatever,否则没办法写comments。如果能按照要求都读完,课都不用去听..... 不过真的微多 后(前)期开始我就不读了... 属于学术性全是字的课本,不喜欢不要购入了,去找买的人借吧。目测不换教授的话,课本不会变的:
Kerbo, Harold 2011. Social Stratification and Inequality: Class Conflict in Historical,Comparative, and Global Perspective. 8th edition. Boston, MA:McGraw Hill.   

1. 喜欢就上 不喜欢别上,否则无聊。虽然看起来背notes就能上场考试 刷龟被龟上,小心为妙。不信请私信联系
2. 不知道喜欢不喜欢?- 去搜marx, weber, durkheim的维基百科,把social mobility/stratification部分看了就知道喜欢不喜欢了
3. 属于sociology范畴
4. 若上,请抱好GCS大腿
5. 感觉和教授私下聊天比上课有意思,去骚扰教授吧

*个人感觉,科大的SOSC HUMA课的level分级和难度正相关,但并不成正比。粗感觉就是introduction的课一字头,introduction升级版二字头。具体,讲一两个topic的课三四字头。但三四字头的课,如果感兴趣或者有经验,并不比一二字头难。
[1 L]ylibj [12级 GCS] @ 2014-06-03 10:36:58
不知道为什么 格式被混杂一起了 凑活看吧......
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