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Nice Professor, Very Good Grade and Open Laptop Exam
課程:ISOM2500 [原課號:ISOM111]
作者:twangbj [17级 EVMT]
創建於:2019-06-01 20:07:17

授課教授:JAMES, Lancelot Fitzgerald


Professor James spend a lot of time talking about his personal experience and other stuff. So you need to be careful when he suddenly starts to teach something about the lecture. He is really enthusiastic and nice to students.  
評分標準:attendance 10% + assignment 10% +quiz 40% +final 40%
這門課的Grade:Grade神. The best part of the course is grading. Final is all MC and open laptop so you can basically put anything in your computer and follow the powerpoints to do the questions. Apart from the final there are only a few quizzes which is easy and professor will kind of tell you the answer

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