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作者:hlica [12级 摸鱼]
創建於:2019-05-03 16:32:12
更新於:2019-06-01 20:50:35

授課教授:KUANG Becki Yi & NI Rong
評分標準:attendance 10% + assignment 10% + quiz (choose best 3 out of 4) 15% + midterm 30% + final 35%
這門課的Grade:Not too bad

BIEN2610 Chemical Biology for Engineers


我觉得这个课应该改名叫Introduction to Molecular Bioengineering


Week 1-3           Nucleic acid & nucleic acid engineering

Feb. 1 (Fri)

Lecture 1

Introduction of nucleic acid and gene

Feb. 4 (Mon)

Lecture 2

Basics of genetics and genomics

Feb. 8 (Fri)

Lecture 3

DNA mutation & damage repair

Feb. 11 (Mon)

Lecture 4

RNA processing & catalysis

Feb. 15 (Fri)

Lecture 5

Gene editing & DNA cloning

Feb. 18 (Mon)

Lecture 6

Engineering of artificial nucleic acid (Quiz)


Week 4-6           Protein & protein engineering (Rong Ni)

Feb. 22 (Fri)

Lecture 7

Introduction of amino acid & peptide

Feb. 25 (Mon)

Lecture 8

Basics of protein: the basic building block of life

Mar. 1 (Fri)

Lecture 9

Enzyme & structural protein

Mar. 4 (Mon)

Lecture 10

Antigen & antibody; bioactive small peptide

Mar. 8 (Fri)

Lecture 11

Designing proteins for biological purposes I

Mar. 11 (Mon)

Lecture 12

Designing proteins for biological purposes II (Quiz)

Topics of written assignment will be releases on Canvas.


Week 7              Small biomolecules (Rong Ni)

Mar. 15 (Fri)

Lecture 13

Metabolites & their use in health care

Mar. 18 (Mon)

Lecture 14

Ligand: important drug targets


Week 8-12         The principle and application of bioengineering

Mar. 22 (Fri)


Mar. 25 (Mon)

Lecture 15

Combinatorial chemistry and molecular evolution I

Mar. 25 (Mon, Tutorial)

Lecture 16

Combinatorial chemistry and molecular evolution II

(content will not be include in final)

Mar. 29 (Fri)

Lecture 17

Labeling of biomolecules

April 1 (Mon)

Lecture 18

Tracking of biomolecules (Quiz)

April 8 (Mon)

Lecture 19

Monitoring interactions between biomolecules

April 12 (Fri)

Lecture 20

Sanger sequencing & microarray

April 15 (Mon)

Lecture 21

Chemical assisted sequencing for identifying base modification

Upload written assignment onto Canvas.

April 26 (Fri)

Lecture 22

Chemical assisted sequencing for structural identification

April 29 (Mon)

Lecture 23

Protein separation and identification (Quiz)

May 3 (Fri)

Lecture 24

Mass spectrometry and proteomics (Henry Lam, guest lecture)

May 6 (Mon)

Tutorial (Q&A)

Tutorial slides will be updated on Canvas during study break (May 10-16)

讲的东西都是很introduction的level,很多东西和CENG4640重合(但是4640的Prof SUN Fei讲课讲不清楚,参考那几篇CENG1600的评价,但是SUN Fei之前的老板拿了诺奖啊)。

上课很容易听懂,1/4内容是高中学过的。Becki部分的ppt做的非常简洁而清晰,非常适合课后复习。Ni Rong的part就会放上好多东西,还有很多很confusing的case study,相对来说难理解一点。

Quiz、midterm和final都让带cheat sheet,可以把ppt所有内容全抄下来带去(虽然时间很紧张几乎没有时间看)。另外这些考试全部non-cumulative。

需要背的分子结构的部分并不是很多,所以workload并不大。每次workload集中的时候也就是quiz之前做cheat sheet了。


第一年的课,只有十几个人上,这种小班一般给龟就比较松啦。Overall 90分拿A(但是91就有A+……


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