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課程:MATH2111 [原課號:MATH113]
作者:hlica [12级 摸鱼]
創建於:2018-12-27 23:40:14
更新於:2018-12-27 23:46:22

授課教授:LEE Wing Lung
我覺得教授:极度自闭 上课第一分钟开始念ppt直到最后一分钟不喘气的
評分標準:WeBWorK 10% + midterm 30% + final 60%



线性代数的简单版本。这个学期讲的内容如下:(Chapter 7 因为台风停课最后没时间了就没讲)

• Chap 1 Systems of Linear Equations (~10 hours)
(i) Systems of Linear Equations; (ii) Row Reduction and Echelon Forms; (iii) Vector Equations;
(iv) The Matrix Equation ; (v) Solution Sets of Linear Systems; (vi) Linear Independence;
(vii) Linear Transformations; (viii) The Matrix of a Linear Transformation.
• Chaps 2 and 3 Matrix Algebra and Determinants (~8 hours)
(i) Matrix Operations; (ii) Matrix Inverse; (iii) Characterizations of Invertible Matrices;
(iv) Introduction to Determinants; (v) Properties of Determinants;
(vi) Cramer's Rule, Volume, and Linear Transformations
• Chap 4 Vector Spaces (~6 hours)
(i) Vector Spaces and Subspaces; (ii) Null Spaces, Column Spaces, and Linear Transformations;
(iii) Linearly Independent Sets and Bases; (iv) Coordinate Systems;
(v) Dimension of a Vector Space and Rank of a Matrix.
 Chap 5 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (~4 hours)
(i) Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues; (ii) The Characteristic Equation; (iii) Diagonalization;
(iv) Applications to Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations.
• Chap 6 Inner Product Spaces (~6 hours)
(i) Inner Product, Length, and Orthogonality; (ii) Orthogonal Sets; (iii) Orthogonal Projections;
(iv) The Gram-Schmidt Process; (v) Least-Squares Problems; (vi) Applications to Linear Models.
• Chap 7 Symmetric Matrices and Quadratic Forms (~2 hours)
(i) Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices; (ii) Quadratic Forms and the Principal Axes Theorem. 

Dr. LEE给的ppt超级简略,直接看看不懂。上课听了可以补充一些exercise的做法和一些定理的详细的内容但是还是听不懂(因为他上课就只有在念ppt和做exercise啊啊啊)。

Tuto题过于简单,和midterm&Final难度相差有点远。但是tuto的讲义非常好,Tutor WANG Jingjing罗列了讲义上面所有的概念和定理,非常全面而简略,很适合复习用。



Midterm 92/100 (1个sd,Mean挺高的) Final 88/100 最后有A 可以说龟还ok了


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