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Buddhism and the Chinese Intellectual Tradition
作者:gyangak [16级 MATH]
創建於:2018-08-10 10:28:37
更新於:2018-08-10 10:31:18
授課教授:黃敏浩(Wong,Simon Man Ho)
評分標準:attendance 10% + essay 45% + final 45%


Tentative Schedule of Lectures:
Weeks   1-2
The life of the Buddha
The basic teachings of the Buddha
The development of Buddhism in India

Weeks 3-4
Buddhism in China
Early development
The seven schools on “emptiness”
Seng-chao and his writings

Weeks 5-12
The Schools of Buddhism in China 中國大乘八宗
The Three Treatise School
The Consciousness-Only School
The T’ien-t’ai School
The Hua-yen School
The Ch’an School
The Pure Land School
The Tantric School
The Disciplinary School

Week 13
Buddhism after the T’ang Dynasty

Essay 要寫約2500字,學期末交,只要是關於中國佛教哲學的就可以,我寫的是《《圓覺經》研讀心得》,不夠深刻,得分不高。所以想得高分,還是要在哲理上深入探究。

Final 是簡答題,四道題,任選三道作答。第一題是詳細解釋“四聖諦”“三法印”,第二題是闡述大乘佛教相對於小乘佛教的不同,第三題是詳細論述“六家七宗”對“空”的解釋,第四題是闡述唯識宗的“八識”“五種性”“種子”等觀點。


以下是 Course Description 和 Intended Learning Outcomes
Course Description:
Buddhism as an Indian religion encountered with the Chinese intellectual tradition, the outcome of which was the establishment of the main schools of Buddhism in China. This course will introduce the basic ideas of Buddhism, the main schools of Buddhism in China and their historical development. Some representative work will be selected and discussed.

Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of the course, students will: 1. acquire basic technique of writing an academic report; 2. be able to identify, remember and explain key concepts of the spirit, development and basic doctrines of Buddhism as well as the main schools of Chinese Buddhism; 3. be able to compare and contrast different theories in Chinese Buddhism and evaluate the significance of these theories; 4. be able to evaluate and apply the Chinese Buddhist philosophy they have learnt to reflect upon different aspects of their lives and behaviour.

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