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課程:FINA4104 [原課號:FINA321]
作者:qliuac [13级 ECOF]
創建於:2016-09-11 23:16:15
更新於:2016-09-12 00:00:59
1.(manager和shareholder之间的agency problem)“this guy(the manager) really drains. It's like all his revenue comes from draining -- but he can do it in another way, a smarter way like Mr.李嘉诚. What? (暗示大家猜一个中文成语)有财大家一起发!”
2.(在讲externality的时候,用了banker和teacher做例子)“Suppose the teacher's social value is 10. So, XX what do you think of the banker? What's his contribution to the society?”“I guess also 10?”“I think close to zero, or even negative.”
3.(接上一个,讲完他们有不同的社会贡献以后,又问)“what's the salary for teacher?(暗示teacher虽然贡献很高但是挣得很少)By the way, im not a teacher, im a professor.(暗示自己并不是挣得很少?)”
4.(经常会在讲的很严肃的时候插入一些人生哲理,例如这样:)“(for pricing a cashflow) there are two questions. XX, the first question is what? Life has up and downs.And what's the second question? Though life has up and downs you need to find someone who will always be with you, understand? Good.”(相信我真的,ppt和投影上很严肃的打着一个复杂的cashflow,而我们真的是在求解它的present value)
5.(谈成功学)“in order to succeed, you need three characteristic. The first is imagination, the second is curiosity, and the third i forgot, so you need good memory.”

当然,其实很重要的是,不要因为气氛轻松就觉得这个课容易...它真的毕竟一点都不输给其他的4000-level finance,也完全是一个4 credit workload。不过既然现在换到3000了,可能课程设计也和之前不一样了吧~
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